Fluoride in Drinking Water: Addressing the Concerns

There has been a widespread public health initiative to add fluoride in small amounts to drinking water. You may recognize the name as the mouthwash or foam that dentists use on your teeth near the end of the cleaning procedure. It is a naturally occurring mineral (found in many natural water sources) that is absorbed by your teeth’s enamel and strengthens it, reducing tooth decay. This initiative has saved cities tens of millions in dental fees.

Water fluoridation has been done in various places worldwide (including Canada) since the early 20th century and has grown in usage over the decades. This has led to a huge reduction in cavities in these places. Children with no other sources of fluoride see a cavity reduction of 35% in their baby teeth when their water is treated with it. Permanent teeth have a reduction of around 13-20%.

Although long considered a safe and effective program, health concerns have lingered about it, and opposition to water fluoridation programs has spiked in recent years. Some places have reduced or eliminated these programs because of this. We would like to look at the top three concerns about water fluoridation and help our community understand the truth of the matter.

Concern 1: Fluoride absorbs toxins from the environment

Rumours and anecdotal evidence have suggested that fluoridated water is better at absorbing harmful elements from the environment. Lead and arsenic are the most commonly quoted ones. Thankfully, no scientific study has shown that either of these chemicals are present in this water above safe levels. In the case of lead, studies comparing levels of lead in children with access to fluoridated water vs non-fluoridated water couldn’t find a difference once other factors were accounted for.

Concern 2: Fluoride intake causes skeletal weakness

Skeletal fluorosis is a condition that cause bones to become harder and thicker, making them fracture more easily. It happens when there is a large concentration of fluoride in the body. This is why you spit your fluoride rinse out when you are at the dentist; such a large concentration can be harmful to swallow. Most opponents of water fluoridation list this disease as their main concern; there is no benefit to swallowing fluoride and drinking too much is what causes it.

Thankfully, the dental benefits of fluoride occur with very small doses. The World Health Organization recommends a maximum of 1.5 parts per million (ppm) as the safe quantity in drinking water, and that guideline is strictly followed in most of the world. At this level, skeletal fluorosis won’t occur, and dental fluorosis (the appearance of harmless white streaks on the teeth) will be unnoticeable without dental tools.

Concern 3: We get enough fluoride from toothpaste and other products

This argument has gained some ground in recent years, because there is sometimes truth to it. Toothpaste and mouthwashes usually contain some amount of fluoride. Some people who practice good oral hygiene worry that they may suffer more noticeable dental fluorosis in communities with treated water. This has led to many of them reducing the fluoride in their water to the minimum recommended level of 0.7ppm, which has become the norm in Canada.

While this isn’t the optimal level of protection, it is a good balance. It still greatly reduces the occurrence of cavities and also minimizes the risk of dental fluorosis in young children, who are more vulnerable to it. There have been no documented cases of skeletal fluorosis or other disease caused by tap water with 0.7ppm

Dental Cleaning at Kensington Dental Clinic

Fluoridated water prevents the development of some cavities, but regular cleaning at the dentist is needed to remove tartar and provide a more thorough fluoride supplement. Kensington Dental Clinic is happy to provide Edmontonians with professional check-ups and cleanings in a relaxed atmosphere. We follow the Alberta Dental Fee Guide and don’t overcharge you for any treatments. If you’re due for a cleaning, call now or contact us using the information below!

How an Experienced Dentist Can Fix Your Smile

Many people avoid smiling because they are ashamed of imperfect teeth. Whether they are hearing a funny joke or taking photos, they won’t show their teeth with confidence. It might sound ridiculous, but this can have quite a negative effect on your social life and cause you to lose your self-confidence.

If the reason for hiding your smile is that your teeth don’t look good, or even normal, visiting a cosmetic dental office can help you solve this issue. There are many ways that an experienced dentist can fix the appearance of your teeth depending on the problem that you have.

Dentists can also help diagnose and treat problems with your teeth and the tissues of your mouth, that may be impacting your smile. During your appointment with your dentist, they can give you advice and administer care to treat underlying conditions impacting your smile. An experienced dentist can also provide recommendations on your diet, brushing, and flossing to help make your smile brighter, whiter, and healthier.

Here are some of the dental techniques that will help make your teeth look more beautiful than ever:

Enamel Shaping

If your teeth are strangely shaped, your experienced dentist can shape the enamel of your pearly whites. They will shape your teeth by taking out a small amount of enamel, which is the outer layer of your teeth. This method will not damage your teeth and will make them have a considerably better shape.


If you have chipped, broken, or decayed teeth, your experienced dentist will fix it by molding an acrylic material to match your natural teeth. This technique is called bonding. The material bonds together with your real teeth to make them look neat – no lines at all! You don’t have to worry about breaking the acrylic because it can last for years even with all of the biting and chewing.


To improve the look of your teeth, another alternative is getting veneers. This is when an experienced dentist places thin layers of dental porcelain on the surface of your teeth to help them bond together. This technique is great at disguising small defects, whether it is an unflattering teeth color, strange sizes, or lengths that aren’t uniform.

Crowns and bridgework

If your condition is too severe, bonding or veneer techniques will not be able to fix the issue. This requires an experienced dentist to repair them by performing crowns and bridge work methods.

Your dentist can put crowns on your teeth to hide the decayed or discolored teeth completely. When you have dental crowns, the strong core of your teeth stays under your crowns so that your smile is restored. These crowns will be specifically made for you to make sure that they look as natural as possible. If you are missing a tooth, however, the bridgework method will be used instead.

Dental implants

Dental implants will only be used when a tooth replacement is required. Because of this, you’ll also need dental surgery. An experienced dentist will insert a titanium post and adhere it to the bone inside your gums. When it has healed, they will screw in the fake tooth. Getting dental implants will cost quite a bit of money, but they are strong and will last a lifetime.

If you’re looking for a professional dental clinic in Edmonton, Alberta to restore your smile, Kensington Dental Clinic is your best option. Get in touch with us today to see how our experienced dentist can help. Patient care is our number one priority, so you can be sure you get the very best dental care from our dental hygienists and general dentists.

5 Things to Look for in Your Dental Office

Dental issues are a serious concern for your health and overall well-being, which is why you need to make an appointment to visit your dentist at least once every six months. Many people dread going to a dental office as they believe that it’s always painful and uncomfortable. However, dental problems can exacerbate very quickly. It’s not worth enduring a lifetime of pain and suffering because you don’t want to visit the dentist.

If you’re someone who’s afraid of the dentist, you should know that state-of-the-art dental technology has made the procedures and treatments much less intrusive. As long as you choose the right dental clinic, you can be sure that you will receive the best treatment for your condition. With that said, here are five things to look for when you’re searching for the right dental office for you:

1. State-of-the-art technology

Dental technology has come a long way since the day doctors used a chisel and a hammer to knock out a decayed tooth. Nowadays, we have the advanced tools that help to make the overall process much more pleasant and effective, both during the check-up and the treatment. You should learn as much about the technology that the dental office has so that you can be sure that you will receive the best treatment.

2. Consistent improvement

Much like any other branch of experts, dentists have to keep sharpening their skills and knowledge to guarantee that they can deliver the best results for every treatment. New dental services, treatments, medications, equipment, and scientific findings are being introduced every year. Dental professionals need to keep up with these changes to make sure that they can give the best dental care to their patients.

3. Communicative and friendly staff

A dental office provides services that require the full cooperation from both the patients and the dental team. Therefore, the receptionists, dentists, and other staff need to be willing to communicate with you whenever there’s an issue. The onset of dental problems can come at any time, so the staff should be available to you for emergency dental treatment whenever you need help.

4. Sanitized and professional office

It should go without saying that any type of medical office should be clean and sanitized all of the time. If you walk into a dental office and see dirt and grime around the office, walk out immediately. An unsanitized workspace can lead to severe infections, so you need to make sure that you don’t put yourself at risk.

5. The willingness to go the extra mile

A dentist’s job is not only to treat the patient but to help them have a better life when they walk out of the office compared to when they come in. Therefore, they shouldn’t stop at treating the conditions as they are presented, but the dentist should also go the extra mile to ensure that the patient can retain a healthy set of teeth and gums for the rest of their days. They need to provide the patients with advice on how to take care of their teeth and prevent the issue from becoming worse in the future.

If you’re looking for a professional dental office in Edmonton, Alberta, Kensington Dental Clinic is your best option. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!

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