Dental emergencies are challenging to identify, but most people don't realize a straightforward
Dental emergencies are challenging to identify, but most people don’t realize a straightforward dental problem can potentially become severe over time if left untreated. It is why identifying dental emergencies is crucial to determine whether it needs prompt treatment or can wait until you can see your regular dentist.
Dental emergencies are classified as a situation where your life confronts immediate danger. Familiar symptoms of a dental emergency include bleeding, broken jaw, knocked out teeth, dental abscesses, et cetera.
Your dental health can get affected by different conditions at any given moment. While some dental problems are considered minor, the others are significant and need assistance from the dentist near me to safeguard your oral and overall health. However, you must learn to differentiate between a genuine dental emergency or a situation that can wait until you schedule an appointment with your regular dentist.
Not every dental situation is an emergency needing assistance from an emergency dentist. Problems like broken fillings without pain, crowns or bridges falling off, broken partial or complete dentures, mouthguards, food trapped between the teeth, and minor toothaches are not considered dental emergencies. However, they undoubtedly require attention from a dental professional for restorations or to identify the cause of the pain.
Dental emergencies needing treatments without delay include the following:
You develop a dental abscess only after leaving deep decay untreated for too long. The bacteria in the decay gets to your dental pulp to infect it. Dental pulp infections are excruciatingly painful, and if you develop an abscess near the roots of your teeth, you confront a life-threatening situation.
Dental abscesses require prompt treatment from the emergency dentist in Edmonton, AB, to prevent the infection from spreading to your neighboring teeth and jawbone. When you visit the Edmonton dentist requesting treatment, they evaluate your teeth and oral health and recommend undergoing emergency root canal treatment to eradicate the infection in your tooth. Unfortunately, you might require tooth extraction if you refuse treatment because it is the only alternative for dental pulp infections.
You might confront a situation when involved in contact sports or accidents that leave you with a knocked-out tooth. Having a knocked-out tooth is undoubtedly an emergency requiring treatment within 30 minutes. You might panic at the accident or sporting activity site but must gather your senses and collect the tooth for reinsertion into its socket. You can rinse the tooth in water without scrubbing the roots and try to place it in your mouth between your cheeks. If you are fearful of swallowing the tooth, use a milk container to store it in moist condition.
Getting to the dentist in Edmonton as soon as possible should be your aim because delaying treatment will make you a candidate for tooth replacement solutions. Suppose you get to the dentist in time the professional splints the knocked-out tooth to the neighboring teeth allowing its roots to reattach over a couple of months.
Toothaches can strike at any time with varying degrees of severity. For example, you might have a minor toothache that you can manage using over-the-counter pain relievers. On the other hand, if you have tooth decay or cavities, the pain you experience from the toothache will likely increase in severity. You might think of ignoring the toothache instead of visiting the emergency dentist to evaluate your condition and have the tooth filled if required. However, you help yourself by visiting the dental professional near you to ensure you receive the essential treatment.
Every dental emergency is different and needs specific treatments. Emergency dentists provide services beyond office hours and don’t make you wait in a queue when you arrive at their offices. The professionals at the dental practice are aware you are visiting them despite your dislike for dental visits. Therefore they provide prompt treatment to relieve you from the pain and even save your tooth.
Your geographical location, the situation you experience, and the dentist’s expertise determine how much you might have to pay for emergency dental services. However, you can expect higher prices for services provided at odd hours of the day or even on holidays.
When confronting a dental emergency, saving your tooth and oral health should be your top priority. Therefore the higher prices charged by dentists are a minor inconvenience to find relief from the discomfort you experience.
If you confront a severe or minor dental emergency, kindly schedule an appointment with Kensington Dental Clinic for the treatment you need today.