4 Foods That Can Stain Your Teeth

You would be well-known of the fact that tea and wine affect your teeth in several ways. But there are many other foods and drinks that stain your teeth and make your dental care routine useless. Chromogen, a chemical compound that gives certain foods and drinks their strong colour, is also harmful to the teeth. Foods that contain tannin can also cause teeth stains. Moreover, acidic foods can wear down your teeth and make the stain set in your teeth. We will now elaborate more on the foods that can stain your teeth.

1) Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce can be found commonly in every house. But not many people know that sauce and ketchup can stain human teeth cause. No matter what kind of tomato sauce you are using, anything that is tomato-based can cause patches of discolouration on your dental surfaces. Tomato is high in the antioxidants and vitamins your body requires. You don’t need to skip the sauce altogether to keep your teeth safe; eat a salad before consuming sauce. Green lettuce and broccoli will create a layer on your teeth that protects them from staining.

2) Blueberries

Berries, in general, can stain your teeth, but blueberry affects your teeth the most. Blueberries are considered to be one of the best superfoods in the market, but the way they leave dark stains behind on the teeth may not be appealing to some people. Don’t worry, you don’t have to stop eating blueberries. Just swish your mouth with water every time after eating berries to prevent staining.

3) Soy Sauce

There would be many people who love to eat Japanese or Chinese cuisine, and this may be shocking to learn that soy sauce is responsible for staining. Soy sauce is a dark flavoured and concentrated liquid that can make your teeth appear darker or yellowish if you consume it too much and too often. You should use soy sauce in a limited amount because of its high sodium content.

4) Balsamic Vinegar

Balsamic vinegar is a healthy dressing for salads, and it also adds a depth of flavour in the food. But balsamic vinegar also has the potential of staining your teeth. Balsamic vinegar has a dark colour and is acidic in nature. So, it doesn’t only stick to your dental surface and stain your teeth but also lead to other problems like sensitivity and bacterial growth. To save your teeth from the effect of balsamic vinegar, eat crunchy lettuce. Lettuce will help to scrub and flush the staining compounds.

These are some of the foods that can cause stains on your teeth. No need to avoid eating them. Just consume the amount of food in the appropriate proportion. Brush and floss your teeth properly and you will do good with your regular dental care routine. If you are in the need for dental care, you can visit us for the best services.

What do You Know About Bruxism?

Bruxism, which is also referred to as teeth grinding is a problem in which people grind or clench their teeth. Occasional teeth grinding is not harmful to your teeth. But when an individual grinds their teeth regularly, it can damage their teeth and have consequences. Bruxism also leads to oral health and overall health problems. Bruxism can cause earaches, headaches, jaw problems and facial pain. The sound of grinding teeth will also irritate the family members.

In some cases, bruxism can also lead to eradicating the tooth enamel, which will lead to teeth sensitivity. Grinding teeth can also cause your tooth to chip. There are various causes behind the bruxism that our dentists would like you to know.

Causes of Teeth Grinding

The cause of teeth grinding is not clear, but stress, lifestyle habits and medications are considered to be the major causes.


Stress causes people to grind their teeth, and many people are not aware of their teeth grinding. Often, teeth grinding happens when people are sleeping. Stress can be caused by the external environment or psychological and social situation of a person. The psychology of a person is related to depression, anxiety and emotional stress, and these are the leading factors in causing bruxism. People with such kind of stress have more chances of getting bruxism as a response to releasing daily emotions.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are considered to be the most common factor in causing bruxism. Bruxism is found more in the people who suffer from sleep disorders like snoring, breathing pauses while asleep and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). People suffering from bruxism also report other sleep disorders like sleep paralysis, sleep talking and enacting violent actions during sleep. Amongst all of these factors, OSA is considered to be the one with high risks.


Bruxism may also be caused because of the side effects of some medicines. Medicines that are used for the treatment of psychiatric conditions are usually said to cause teeth grinding. It is said that these medicines cause some changes in nervous systems that lead to teeth grinding or jaw clenching. Antipsychotics and antidepressant medicines are considered mostly to cause bruxism.

Lifestyle Factors

An individual’s lifestyle factors are also considered as the cause of bruxism. Factors like alcohol, smoking, cocaine, caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee lead to teeth grinding. Using such psychoactive substances makes a person face problems like falling asleep, staying asleep and feeling sleepy during the daytime. Individuals who consume such psychoactive substances have higher chances of bruxism.

Now you know the causes and effects of teeth grinding. You can avoid being active in the things mentioned above to save yourself from bruxism. Visiting a dentist near you can also help you in coping with this problem. Dentists recommend using a nightguard as a treatment for bruxism. In Edmonton, we have skilled and professional dentists so that you can visit us for the best services.

The Right Dental Habits for Teens

There is no guarantee that the teeth will stay healthy at a specific age. Teenage is a phase where teenagers go on snacking anything at any time of the day. Teens need to maintain dental habits that they have learned and are practising from childhood. Healthy and white teeth are important as they will make you feel confident when meeting new people. Teens start getting socialize at this age, and they don’t want to show up with their damaged or yellow teeth. Not taking care of the teeth can lead to oral problems like bad breath, cavities, stained teeth, or sensitivity. To avoid such problems, here are some tips provided by our dental hygienist for your better oral health.

Stress on Daily Brushing and Flossing

Brushing and flossing are the most common and effective way to keep your teeth healthy. Dental hygienist suggests developing the habit of brushing and flossing twice daily. Brushing daily would be helpful to keep your tooth enamel stay healthy. Plaque is also one of the most common problems in most of the individual. Plaque is the root cause of cavities and tooth decay. Plaque also leads to gum diseases. Brushing will help to remove the plaque from your teeth. There are some parts where a toothbrush can’t reach, so flossing is very helpful to reach the spots between teeth. Flossing removes the plaque more adequately.

Drink an Adequate Amount of Water

You can maintain your oral health well by drinking a good amount of water. It will keep your body hydrated and water also flushes out any toxins and decay from your teeth. With the continuous flow of water in the mouth, the food particles are removed. Drinking detox water will also be very vital, you can keep a bottle of water with you and out sliced fruits in it. This would provide vitamin to the body and also keep the body hydrated at the same time.

Have a Healthy Diet

Eating healthy food is essential for teens as it provides the right amount of vitamin and the chances of tooth decay become very less. Eating the food that carries the right amount of calcium will be beneficial. Food like fish, meat, leafy vegetables and nuts will provide an efficient amount of calcium to the body. Infusing the body with vitamin D is also important, going for a walk in the early morning sunlight will provide vitamin D. Sunlight will help to set the bones right, and also provides sparkling and decay-free teeth.

These are the healthy oral tips that dental hygienist suggests for the teens to practise. Practising these oral habits will help the teens to keep their teeth healthy and in good shape. Ignoring these dental habits can lead to serious dental problems in the future. Also, visit the dentist regularly to keep in check with your dental health.

Restorative Vs Cosmetic Dentistry

You may have come across the term cosmetic dentistry in which the dental procedures are used to retain your perfect smile. Well, when the term restorative dentistry pops up, you may wonder what does it mean. The meaning of restorative dentistry is very simple. There are times when you first have to go through restorative dentistry to lay the foundation and then one of the cosmetic dentistry procedures for a perfectly healthy mouth. The cosmetic dentistry is performed only by dentists who are experts in the field. For better understanding, we will explain each of these branches of dentistry in this article.

What is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is the treatment and procedure performed by the dentist to your damaged teeth. The aim of restorative dentistry is to keep your teeth healthy and functional. It involves the diagnosis, prevention and treatment for oral diseases. Teeth that are decayed, chipped or damaged in any other way are treated with restorative dentistry, with the help of crowns or filling. Proper treatment is provided on the basis of the oral disease one is suffering from. This is the aspect of restorative dentistry that separates it from cosmetic dentistry.

What Kind of Issues Restorative Dentistry Resolves?

Restorative dentistry deals with restoring your teeth from any oral issues you are suffering. There are many problems in your teeth that need restorative dentistry like tooth decay or cavities. Cavities are the most common issues restored to protect from further damage. Any missing teeth are replaced with implants, dentures, or bridges. The broken or decayed tooth is restored with crowns.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Where restorative dentistry is concerned about how your teeth function, cosmetic dentistry focuses on how your teeth look. Cosmetic dentistry helps in improving the look of your teeth, gums and bite. Cosmetic dentistry is more about how do you want your smile to look. Cosmetic dentistry alters the shape, size, colour, position and alignment of your teeth according to your needs.

What Kind of Issues Cosmetic Dentistry Resolves?

The purpose of cosmetic dentistry is to fix the appearance of your smile. Chipped, uneven, or yellow teeth are some of the common problems that are fixed through cosmetic dentistry. Some of the cosmetic dentistry procedures include teeth whitening, veneers, contouring and bonding. The basic idea of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the functioning of your teeth; it is just done with added aesthetic beauty brought on your teeth with the help of cosmetic dentistry.

This is how restorative and cosmetic dentistry differentiate from each other. In the end, both are used for the improvement of your oral health. But the aim of both the dentistry is different. Both the dentistry can be operated on you according to your needs. For best results and treatment, you can contact us. We have the best skilled and experienced dentists.

Pros and Cons of Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap, place on a damaged tooth for recovery. A dental crown is used in various dental cases like tooth decay, severely damaged teeth, hiding a large filling, or restoring broken teeth. Dental crowns are beneficial in restoring the normal functioning of your teeth. Before fitting the dental crown, the dentist examines the tooth, and if it is decayed or damaged severely, then a root canal treatment is performed. It is an alternative being used for tooth extraction due to severe tooth damage. So, before you choose to have dental crowns, get to know about their pros and cons.


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Pros of Dental Crowns

  • The Process is Completed in One or Two Visits

First, the dentist will fill the gaps in the tooth due to decay, if any. Then, the dentist will take the size of your tooth to make the crown and will send it to the lab where a dental crown is manufactured. Until then, a temporary tooth crown will be fitted in your mouth. Then in the second visit, the permanent crown will be installed on your required teeth.

  • Doesn’t Require Extraction of Healthy Parts

Getting dental crowns does not mean you have to remove the remaining healthy part of your decayed tooth. In the process, the healthy portion of a tooth is not removed; only the damaged portion is removed. Keeping and sustaining the healthy portion of your tooth is better than having foreign material in your teeth. When you save the healthy roots, the chance of degradation of bone material is less.

  • Dental Crowns are more Durable

Dental crowns are considered to be more successful than other dental treatments. Patients get satisfaction with dental crowns as they have a durability of 5 to 15 years. Also, that makes dental crowns cost-effective as you won’t have to spend again on dental repairs.

Cons of Dental Crowns

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  • Dental Crowns Can Cause Tooth Sensitivity

Dental crowns expose the roots of nerves of a tooth more than under natural, healthy teeth. So it is possible that after placing a dental crown, you may experience sensitivity when eating or drinking anything hot or cold. People already suffering from sensitivity can experience it more often and intense.

  • They can Get Chipped or Cracked

There are different types of dental crowns available amongst which you can choose from. Some dental crowns, such as ceramic ones, are fragile and can break easily. Eating or chewing hard objects like ice and nuts can put pressure on the crown that can lead to chipped or cracked crowns.

Dental crowns are one of the efficient and sustaining treatments for dental problems. But still, the best way would be to discuss it with a dentist. You can contact us to get the best treatment for any dental problem.

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3 Side Effects of In-home Whitening Products

People suffer from stained or discoloured yellow teeth. That they can eradicate with the help of teeth whitening treatment, teeth whitening is not necessarily can only be done by a dentist. There are various in-home products that you can use for teeth whitening like whitening toothpaste, strip, tray, rinse or gel, etc. Teeth whitening products are not recommendable to everyone; such products are ideal for people with healthy gums and unrestored teeth. Teeth whitening is a dental treatment, but teeth whitening products too can cause some side effects. So it is essential to know what are the side effects that can be caused by teeth whitening products.

1) Sensitivity

Sensitivity is one of the general side effects caused due to the use of teeth whitening products. Sensitivity is caused when your teeth get in contact with the bleaching chemical in the product. Some teeth whitening toothpaste include peroxide that can increase the sensitivity. The peroxide can lead to exposing Dentin that is the underlying layer of the teeth and can increase the sensitivity to hot and cold beverages. People with teeth sensitivity should use teeth whitening in-home products with caution and care. You can use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth; sensitive toothpaste contains potassium nitrate that helps in soothing the nerves of teeth.

2) Gum Problems

Gum problems are too caused by the use of teeth whitening products. Gum irritation is caused due to the mild irritation in the gums. Gum irritations are caused due to ill-fitting mouthpiece tray and not due to the bleaching agents in the products. Gum irritation can also be caused by teeth whitening gel. Teeth whitening gel can lead to chemical burns in the mouth. The burns in the gums get normal within twenty-four hours. Due to the hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, the irritations can be caused when using the products in-home or in-office treatment.

3) White Spots or Chalky Teeth Shades

Teeth whitening products can lead to change in the shades of your teeth colour due to excessive use. Teeth whitening products give you temporary whiten teeth. You will have to reuse the teeth whitening products to regain the shiny of your teeth. But using the products excessively can lead to making your teeth look chalky or can damage them with white spots. The peroxide in the teeth whitening products can lead to cellular damage, with problems like gingivitis and oversensitivity in the gums. So you should use the products often, but not daily.

When such problems occur, you can stop using the teeth whitening products until the problem caused is healed. Such side-effects are temporary, they are healed over time, but you should need to be precautious so it may not become severe. The best advice would be to use the products in a limit.

Oral Care Tips for Seniors

No matter what your age is, maintaining your oral health is vital. Whether your age is 28 or 68 years, your oral health should be your priority. Dentists in Edmonton suggests that maintaining your oral health in the senior age is critical. Oral health issues can have an effect on your overall health. Gum diseases can cause some health issues like blood pressure, stroke and heart diseases. So oral health issues can affect you very badly. Here we are providing some dental tips for your oral health that you can use and maintain your oral health in old age too.

Brush Daily

You will have to maintain your oral health as you age. Brushing daily will keep your teeth healthy; it will protect the enamel shield on the surface of teeth. Brushing will help to remove plaque and tar from your mouth. If brushing is difficult for you at this age, then you can opt for an electric toothbrush instead of the normal one. An electric toothbrush will make your brushing easy and eventually helps you to remove plaque.

Floss Everyday

You may not be able to floss your teeth twice, but it should be done once daily. Flossing reaches the places between the teeth where the brush cannot. It will help to remove the plaque and any food debris between your teeth. It will also keep your gums healthy. Flossing between the teeth and near the gum can prevent any gum disease.

Consume Nutritious Diet

With brushing and flossing, consuming nutritious food is also important. Food like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products will provide you with the required amount of nutrients for your oral health. Nutritious food provides you with the best oral health. As you are getting older, relying only on medicines won’t help you alone, such a nutritious diet is vital for overall health. Food with calcium will provide you with good oral health. Encourage yourself to eat nutritious food and avoid any sugary food.

Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol

Dentists in Edmonton suggests that consumption of Tobacco can be very harmful to your oral health. Tobacco can cause periodontal disease very easily. Tobacco increases the chances of gum disease, tooth decay and tooth loss. It can also lead to lung or throat cancer. Also cutting on alcohol will be a wise decision, as alcohol has sugar, it can affect your oral health.

Visit the Dentist

You should frequently visit your dentist for a check-up or any health-related issue. You can make your appointment for a dental cleaning. Dental cleaning provides the cleaning for your oral health than brushing and flossing can’t do. As experienced dentists will be able to detect any dental problem and fix it.

Maintaining your oral health has its own benefits that you will be able to reap. Oral problems can disrupt your regular routine. Oral disease can also get more severe if ignored. We have amongst the best dentists in Edmonton that will for your oral health.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is provided when a person is suffering from tooth decay. During the procedure, the infected nerves and the decayed area of a tooth are cleaned. Then the nerves are filled with a special dental material, and later the tooth is sealed with the fillings. Then a crown is fixed upon the tooth that allows the tooth to function normally further. Root canal treatment saves you from tooth extraction, and you can use their natural teeth for a long time. There are some benefits attached to root canal treatment that we are enlisting down.

Prevents Infection

The infection in your tooth won’t stay be restricted to that area. It will start spreading into other parts of the mouth like neighbouring teeth or bone and the pain will get more severe. In root canal treatment, the infected portion is removed and roots are cleaned deeply. It leaves no traces of the infection as your tooth gets disinfected. So, this will stop your tooth decay from spreading to other teeth.

Reduces Pain

Root canal treatment is less painful as compared to tooth extraction. The patient feels less pain during the whole operation as anaesthesia is given. Root canal treatment also reduces the pain in the tooth caused by the infection. The treatment doesn’t leave any space for the infection to spread and the tooth is filled with dental material which helps to eradicate the pain. Although anaesthesia is given at the time of tooth extraction as well, the healing period is generally very painful.

Preserves Tooth

When suffering from tooth decay, you can either go for tooth extraction or opt for root canal treatment. When a tooth is extracted from the mouth, it leaves a gap between the teeth. Afterwards, the gap would need to be filled with a dental implant. But if the gap is not filled, it can degenerate your jawbone over time. So, root canal treatment helps to preserve your natural teeth and keeps your jawbone intact.

Improves Your Smile

The decayed tooth is visible and appears discoloured due to the infection. T The bacteria make the tooth appear dark in black or brown colour. Root canal treatment helps to eradicate the infection. Then the discoloured tooth is filled with dental materials and dental crowns are fixed on the top to hide the discolouration completely. Dental crowns refurbish your tooth and restore your smile.

Enhances Your Health

If tooth decay is not treated on time, it can spread to other parts and can lead to severe problems. A person with poor health is at the risk of getting affected by tooth decay. Tooth decay leads to heart disease, diabetes, respiratory infections and other health issues. Root canal treatment will save you from such problems.

Ignoring tooth decay can lead to severe problems, so if you are facing one, then visit the dentist instantly. Here, at Kensington Dental Clinic, we will provide you with the best dental treatments based on your oral concerns.

What is the Procedure for Getting Dentures?

Complete dentures are artificial teeth sets used to replace the space created due to no or less natural teeth. Some dentures that fill only certain missing teeth in the jaw are called partial dentures. In regular family dentistry, dentures are prescribed when patients lose their teeth due to injury, ageing, or a health condition. Some dentures are permanently fitted in the patient’s mouth while some are removable. Removable dentures have some advantages compared to using tooth prosthetics. The biggest advantage of removable dentures is that no dental surgery is required to fit them. All dentures are made of materials that exactly match the remaining teeth of the patient.

In today’s family dentistry, dentures are designed to be functional but with complete comfort. They are made to be extremely similar to natural teeth that improve your smile and facial appearance.


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Dental Preparation and Placement

During your first dental visit, the dentist will evaluate if your gums and teeth. They will examine the supporting bone structure in your jaws to identify the right treatment plan. In some cases, oral bone surgery is suggested to correct any bony ridges that might interfere with the stability of the dentures. Some remaining teeth might also have to be extracted before placing the dentures. Once your dentist concludes that dentures are the right option for you, he will make impressions on your gums to identify all the ridges and crevices ensuring the best possible fit.

In cases where teeth need to be extracted, an immediate denture is placed to allow proper healing of the affected area and serve as an esthetic replacement. These dentures can be easily modified to change ridge contours during the healing process until final dentures are made. To create immediate dentures, dentists use a shade and mould chart to choose replacements that exactly match your natural teeth.

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Placing the Final Dentures

Complete dentures are only made when the gums are restored to a healthy condition with sufficient healing time. Complete dentures are fixed replacing all the teeth in the upper and lower jaws. The gums naturally shrink during the healing process of tooth loss. This normally takes 6 to 12 months. During this period, immediate dentures require certain adjustments to support changes in the gums and bone structure. This could include both soft and hard relining procedures.

An overdenture is a removable prosthesis that covers and rests on the remaining tooth roots. This removable partial denture replaces some missing teeth and is built around the existing teeth. An overdenture and a partial denture both can be connected to remaining teeth in the jaws where the anchors are either made of metal or plastic. These connections improve stability and retention of the prostheses.

To know if dentures are the right treatment for you or to know more about getting dentures,book an appointment  at the Kensington Dental Clinic.

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Fluoride in Drinking Water: Addressing the Concerns

There has been a widespread public health initiative to add fluoride in small amounts to drinking water. You may recognize the name as the mouthwash or foam that dentists use on your teeth near the end of the cleaning procedure. It is a naturally occurring mineral (found in many natural water sources) that is absorbed by your teeth’s enamel and strengthens it, reducing tooth decay. This initiative has saved cities tens of millions in dental fees.

Water fluoridation has been done in various places worldwide (including Canada) since the early 20th century and has grown in usage over the decades. This has led to a huge reduction in cavities in these places. Children with no other sources of fluoride see a cavity reduction of 35% in their baby teeth when their water is treated with it. Permanent teeth have a reduction of around 13-20%.

Although long considered a safe and effective program, health concerns have lingered about it, and opposition to water fluoridation programs has spiked in recent years. Some places have reduced or eliminated these programs because of this. We would like to look at the top three concerns about water fluoridation and help our community understand the truth of the matter.

Concern 1: Fluoride absorbs toxins from the environment

Rumours and anecdotal evidence have suggested that fluoridated water is better at absorbing harmful elements from the environment. Lead and arsenic are the most commonly quoted ones. Thankfully, no scientific study has shown that either of these chemicals are present in this water above safe levels. In the case of lead, studies comparing levels of lead in children with access to fluoridated water vs non-fluoridated water couldn’t find a difference once other factors were accounted for.

Concern 2: Fluoride intake causes skeletal weakness

Skeletal fluorosis is a condition that cause bones to become harder and thicker, making them fracture more easily. It happens when there is a large concentration of fluoride in the body. This is why you spit your fluoride rinse out when you are at the dentist; such a large concentration can be harmful to swallow. Most opponents of water fluoridation list this disease as their main concern; there is no benefit to swallowing fluoride and drinking too much is what causes it.

Thankfully, the dental benefits of fluoride occur with very small doses. The World Health Organization recommends a maximum of 1.5 parts per million (ppm) as the safe quantity in drinking water, and that guideline is strictly followed in most of the world. At this level, skeletal fluorosis won’t occur, and dental fluorosis (the appearance of harmless white streaks on the teeth) will be unnoticeable without dental tools.

Concern 3: We get enough fluoride from toothpaste and other products

This argument has gained some ground in recent years, because there is sometimes truth to it. Toothpaste and mouthwashes usually contain some amount of fluoride. Some people who practice good oral hygiene worry that they may suffer more noticeable dental fluorosis in communities with treated water. This has led to many of them reducing the fluoride in their water to the minimum recommended level of 0.7ppm, which has become the norm in Canada.

While this isn’t the optimal level of protection, it is a good balance. It still greatly reduces the occurrence of cavities and also minimizes the risk of dental fluorosis in young children, who are more vulnerable to it. There have been no documented cases of skeletal fluorosis or other disease caused by tap water with 0.7ppm

Dental Cleaning at Kensington Dental Clinic

Fluoridated water prevents the development of some cavities, but regular cleaning at the dentist is needed to remove tartar and provide a more thorough fluoride supplement. Kensington Dental Clinic is happy to provide Edmontonians with professional check-ups and cleanings in a relaxed atmosphere. We follow the Alberta Dental Fee Guide and don’t overcharge you for any treatments. If you’re due for a cleaning, call now or contact us using the information below!

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